Jumat, 28 Juni 2019


Nama : Annisa Fauziyah Ardhas
NPM : 10115871
Kelas : 4KA23

1.       The father gives her students homework everyday
Ø  Guru itu memberikan PR kepada murid-muridnya setiap hari
v  This sentence use present “gives” because of the adverb of time “everyday”
2.       I am feeling angry with you right now
Ø  Saya sedang merasa marah dengan mu sekarang
v  This sentence use present continuous “am feeling” because of adverb of time “right now”
3.       They ate fried rice yesterday
Ø  Mereka makan nasi goreng kemarin
v  This sentence use past “ate” because of the  adverb of time “yesterday”
4.       Rika and Richie have finished their school
Ø  Rika dan Richie telah menyelesaikan sekolahnya
v  This sentence use present perfect (have/has+V3)“have finished” because they already finish from school
5.        Sinta will finish her school next year
Ø  Sinta akan menyelesaikan sekolahnya tahun depan
v  This sentence use present future (will/shall+V1) “will” because she is still in school and will finish next year
6.       Ita decided to go to school on foot because her bike had broken
Ø  Ita memutuskan untuk bersekolah dengan berjalan kaki karena sepedanya sudah rusak
v  This sentence using a conjuction “because” . the first sentence use past “decided” and second sentence use past perfect (had+V3) “had broken”
7.       I was listening music when my father came home
Ø  Saya mendengarkan music ketika ayahku pulang
v  This sentence using a conjuction “when”. The first sentence use past continuous (was+Ving) “was listening” and second sentence use past “came”
8.       An apple fell down while newton was sitting under the tree
Ø  Sebuah apel jatuh sementara newton duduk dibawah pohon
v  This sentence using a conjuction “while”. Thee first sentence use past “fell” and second sentence use past continuous (was+Ving) “was sitting”
9.       She was driving a car at 10 am this morning  
Ø  Dia mengendarai mobil pada jam 5 pagi ini
v  This sentence use past continuous “was driving” because of the adverb of time “at 10 am this morning”
10.   I should go to Surabaya last year
Ø  Aku pergi ke Surabaya tahun lalu
v  This sentence use past future “should go” because of the adverb of time “last year”